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2. Hold a public hearing, consider and make recommendation on a Zoning Change Request (Z-25-001) from Town of Argyle Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) to Single Family Residential Estate – (SF-2.5) zoning district for the Tribes Church on a 1.47-acre tract of land, known as Lot 16, Block A, Woods of Argyle, in the F.W. Thorton Survey, Abstract 1244, located at 809 FM 407 W, Town of Argyle ETJ, Denton County, Texas.
3. Continue a public hearing, consider and make recommendation on a Zoning Change Request (Z-24-002) from Agricultural (A) to a Planned Development with a base zoning of Office Retail (OR), Community Retail (CR), and Community Facilities (CF) for the Heritage Planned Development District on a 123.93-acre tract of unplatted land, located on the southwest corner of I-35W and Robson Ranch Road in the Patrick Rock Survey, Abstract 1063, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
4. Hold a public hearing, consider and make recommendation on an ordinance amendment (TDS-25-001) to Article III, Zoning, of the Town of Argyle Town Development Standards regarding amendments to Section 14.3.47 – Old Town-2 Zoning District and other related provisions in the Town Development Standards.
5. Active Development Project List.
Mar 05, 2025 Planning & Zoning
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2. Hold a public hearing, consider and make recommendation on a Zoning Change Request (Z-25-001) from Town of Argyle Extra-Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) to Single Family Residential Estate – (SF-2.5) zoning district for the Tribes Church on a 1.47-acre tract of land, known as Lot 16, Block A, Woods of Argyle, in the F.W. Thorton Survey, Abstract 1244, located at 809 FM 407 W, Town of Argyle ETJ, Denton County, Texas.
3. Continue a public hearing, consider and make recommendation on a Zoning Change Request (Z-24-002) from Agricultural (A) to a Planned Development with a base zoning of Office Retail (OR), Community Retail (CR), and Community Facilities (CF) for the Heritage Planned Development District on a 123.93-acre tract of unplatted land, located on the southwest corner of I-35W and Robson Ranch Road in the Patrick Rock Survey, Abstract 1063, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
4. Hold a public hearing, consider and make recommendation on an ordinance amendment (TDS-25-001) to Article III, Zoning, of the Town of Argyle Town Development Standards regarding amendments to Section 14.3.47 – Old Town-2 Zoning District and other related provisions in the Town Development Standards.
5. Active Development Project List.
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