Video index
4. Active Development Review Committee Project List.
5. Receive staff report and discuss International Dark Sky Community Designation.
6. Received staff report and discuss Town regulations for murals.
7. Receive an update from the President of the MDD on the following items: Financial Incentive for Town Center and an Incentive agreement with Little Joe's.
16. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-03 allowing a Zoning Change Request (Z-24-001) from the Lakes of Argyle Planned Development (PD-SF-12) to Single Family 1-acre Residential Estate (SF-1) for a 1.93-acre tract of land, known as Lot 1, Block S, Lakes of Argyle Phases I & II, located at 180 Harpole Road West, on the north side of Harpole Road, west of US Hwy 377, in the T. Gazaway Survey, Abstract 479, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
17. Hold a public hearing, consider and take action on a Site Plan Request (SP-24-013) with proposed variances to the Old Town-1 (OT-1) zoning district standards, for a proposed single family residence on a 0.17-acre tract of land, known as Lot 21-R, Block 8, O T Argyle, located at 108 Dallas Street, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
11. Consider adoption of Resolution 2025-05 approving an engagement letter with Raftelis Financial Consultants Inc., for the purpose of conducting a Wastewater Billing Reconciliation analysis.
12. Consider, discuss, and act on Resolution 2025-03 and Resolution 2025-04 revising the Town of Argyle's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Policy and Fiscal and Budgetary Policy Statements respectively.
15. Discussion on Approximately 15,000 square foot located south of Little Joe's, Argyle Market Center.
24. Discuss consider and act on approving the proposal of $14,900 from Holtman Design works for the design of the phases of the Town Hall renovation and to the four phases as well.
18. Discuss, consider, and act on a useful lifecycle for Town owned vehicles and equipment and Police Department impound vehicles.
19. Discuss, consider, and act on Resolution 2025-01 to accept a donation made to the Argyle Police Department in the amount of $15,000.
20. Discuss consider and act on Resolution 2025-02 to make the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) a standing committee.
21. Discuss consider and act on a variance request to Section 8.02.003.C.6.B Noise of the Code of ordinances of the Town of Argyle for concrete laying and pouring related to the AISD Middle School project.
25. Discuss consider and act on calling a special election to increase the sales tax levy to two percent.
26. Discuss consider and act on adoption of Resolution 2025-06 approving Professional Services Agreement with Ramel Company, LLC for Project and Construction Management Services for the purpose of managing planning and future projects at the Town Property located on FM 407 and discuss, consider, and take action on Ordinance 2025-02 amending the Town of Argyle Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget, adopted by Ordinance 2024-27 appropriating funds from the unappropriated balance of the General Fund for Project and Construction Management Services.
Jan 21, 2025 Town Council
Full agenda
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Full agenda
4. Active Development Review Committee Project List.
5. Receive staff report and discuss International Dark Sky Community Designation.
6. Received staff report and discuss Town regulations for murals.
7. Receive an update from the President of the MDD on the following items: Financial Incentive for Town Center and an Incentive agreement with Little Joe's.
16. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2025-03 allowing a Zoning Change Request (Z-24-001) from the Lakes of Argyle Planned Development (PD-SF-12) to Single Family 1-acre Residential Estate (SF-1) for a 1.93-acre tract of land, known as Lot 1, Block S, Lakes of Argyle Phases I & II, located at 180 Harpole Road West, on the north side of Harpole Road, west of US Hwy 377, in the T. Gazaway Survey, Abstract 479, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
17. Hold a public hearing, consider and take action on a Site Plan Request (SP-24-013) with proposed variances to the Old Town-1 (OT-1) zoning district standards, for a proposed single family residence on a 0.17-acre tract of land, known as Lot 21-R, Block 8, O T Argyle, located at 108 Dallas Street, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
11. Consider adoption of Resolution 2025-05 approving an engagement letter with Raftelis Financial Consultants Inc., for the purpose of conducting a Wastewater Billing Reconciliation analysis.
12. Consider, discuss, and act on Resolution 2025-03 and Resolution 2025-04 revising the Town of Argyle's Purchasing Policies and Procedures Policy and Fiscal and Budgetary Policy Statements respectively.
15. Discussion on Approximately 15,000 square foot located south of Little Joe's, Argyle Market Center.
24. Discuss consider and act on approving the proposal of $14,900 from Holtman Design works for the design of the phases of the Town Hall renovation and to the four phases as well.
18. Discuss, consider, and act on a useful lifecycle for Town owned vehicles and equipment and Police Department impound vehicles.
19. Discuss, consider, and act on Resolution 2025-01 to accept a donation made to the Argyle Police Department in the amount of $15,000.
20. Discuss consider and act on Resolution 2025-02 to make the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC) a standing committee.
21. Discuss consider and act on a variance request to Section 8.02.003.C.6.B Noise of the Code of ordinances of the Town of Argyle for concrete laying and pouring related to the AISD Middle School project.
25. Discuss consider and act on calling a special election to increase the sales tax levy to two percent.
26. Discuss consider and act on adoption of Resolution 2025-06 approving Professional Services Agreement with Ramel Company, LLC for Project and Construction Management Services for the purpose of managing planning and future projects at the Town Property located on FM 407 and discuss, consider, and take action on Ordinance 2025-02 amending the Town of Argyle Fiscal Year 2024-2025 budget, adopted by Ordinance 2024-27 appropriating funds from the unappropriated balance of the General Fund for Project and Construction Management Services.
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