Video index
1. Presentation of Commendation to Argyle Police Officer Caleb Mullinax for Outstanding Performance (Emmitt Jackson, Police Chief)
2. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2023-03 allowing a Specific Use Permit (SUP-22-002) for a proposed Sports Court (Lighted) located on Lot 30, Block A in the Rolling Acres Estates, located at 1302 Rolling Acres Drive, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
3. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2023-02 allowing a Zoning Change Request (Z-22-003) from Agricultural (A) to Single Family Residential Estate-1 (SF-1) for a 1.893-acre tract of land out of the Patrick Rock Survey Abstract No. 1063, being Lot 2 of the Golden Anvil Estates, known as 352 Old Justin Road, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
4. Mayoral updates and information on current topics of interest to Argyle citizens and newsworthy matters. (Bryan Ligvingston, Mayor)
5. Road Construction Project Update (Robert White, Public Works Director)
6. Update on Code Enforcement Assistance (Nabila Nur, Community Development Director)
7. Active and Potential Development Review Committee Project List (Nabila Nur, Community Development Director)
10. Consider and take appropriate action on a proposal from Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Tree Preservation Ordinance regarding protective fences for trees along the Town's right-of-way during construction.
11. Discuss and consider approval of funds to conduct a Pavement Assessment to include an estimated 74 road miles.
12. Discuss and consider funding for constructing a line at Unity Park that would allow for a water source for the Denton County Master Gardeners (DCMGA) and water to support a drinking fountain for park users.
13. Consider and take appropriate action on a Site Plan Revision (SP-22-011) for Liberty Christian School, regarding a building addition, located at 1301 US HWY 377, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
14. Discuss and consider approval of Resolution 2023-02 approving a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols for Task Order 7 to conduct a study of stormwater management in the Town of Argyle.
15. Discuss and consider approval of Resolution 2023-04 amending the Employee Handbook by adding Section 6.09 - Media Relations Policy, incorporating the same into the Town of Argyle Personnel Policies and providing an effective date of Febarury 1, 2023.
16. Discuss and consider necessary actions pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan Update project and the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.
Jan 23, 2023 Special Town Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Presentation of Commendation to Argyle Police Officer Caleb Mullinax for Outstanding Performance (Emmitt Jackson, Police Chief)
2. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2023-03 allowing a Specific Use Permit (SUP-22-002) for a proposed Sports Court (Lighted) located on Lot 30, Block A in the Rolling Acres Estates, located at 1302 Rolling Acres Drive, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
3. Hold a public hearing and consider approval of Ordinance 2023-02 allowing a Zoning Change Request (Z-22-003) from Agricultural (A) to Single Family Residential Estate-1 (SF-1) for a 1.893-acre tract of land out of the Patrick Rock Survey Abstract No. 1063, being Lot 2 of the Golden Anvil Estates, known as 352 Old Justin Road, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
4. Mayoral updates and information on current topics of interest to Argyle citizens and newsworthy matters. (Bryan Ligvingston, Mayor)
5. Road Construction Project Update (Robert White, Public Works Director)
6. Update on Code Enforcement Assistance (Nabila Nur, Community Development Director)
7. Active and Potential Development Review Committee Project List (Nabila Nur, Community Development Director)
10. Consider and take appropriate action on a proposal from Planning and Zoning Commission for an amendment to the Tree Preservation Ordinance regarding protective fences for trees along the Town's right-of-way during construction.
11. Discuss and consider approval of funds to conduct a Pavement Assessment to include an estimated 74 road miles.
12. Discuss and consider funding for constructing a line at Unity Park that would allow for a water source for the Denton County Master Gardeners (DCMGA) and water to support a drinking fountain for park users.
13. Consider and take appropriate action on a Site Plan Revision (SP-22-011) for Liberty Christian School, regarding a building addition, located at 1301 US HWY 377, Town of Argyle, Denton County, Texas.
14. Discuss and consider approval of Resolution 2023-02 approving a Professional Services Agreement with Freese and Nichols for Task Order 7 to conduct a study of stormwater management in the Town of Argyle.
15. Discuss and consider approval of Resolution 2023-04 amending the Employee Handbook by adding Section 6.09 - Media Relations Policy, incorporating the same into the Town of Argyle Personnel Policies and providing an effective date of Febarury 1, 2023.
16. Discuss and consider necessary actions pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan Update project and the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee.
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